License Management
12 min read
last updated: 06/26/2024
Automatic activation.
Activation runs automatically for trial version or for some custom-tailored versions.
On the last step of the installer the checkbox remains at default settings.

LicenseActivator.exe starts without displaying User interface. It detects .v2c file and activates the product.
ReqEdit opens automatically.
Online activation
After installation
Note: You need to have non-restricted Internet acces, or need to configure the proxy settings for it.
The License activator window appears. If not, run the LicenseActivator.exe in the ReqEdit folder. In the text box enter the Product key and press the Activate button.

Activation done. Run ReqEdit.
Offline activation
This activation allows running ReqEdit when access to ReqEdit License Server is restricted or not available. Create manually a license for the machine where ReqEdit is running.
In this case there are 2 options for activation: Activation with the file LicenseActivation.exe or Activation using the RUS Tool. Through them you can generate a .c2v file which you need for creating the license for your PC.

Activation with LicenseActivation.exe
Activation with RUS Tool
Activate with LicenseActivation.exe
The offline activation needs the following:
- product key (got with purchasing ReqEdit)
- machine generated .c2v file (follow the next steps)
Open ReqEdit folder and click LicenseActivation.exe in the ReqEdit folder.
Pops up License activator window. Here generate C2V file
Save the file into the suggested folder or elsewhere

At an online workstation login with Product key at the Sentinel EMS Customer portal

Choose Offline Activation tab. A new window appears.
In the Generate License window upload the saved C2V file.
Then click Generate.

The Key ID. appears
Download the VC2 file

Go to the License Activator window and press Activate button

In the Browser window select V2C file
Press Open

Open ReqEdit and start working with it.
Activate with RUS Tool
- Login to the customer page of REQTEAM license management (
- Enter your license key from your license

Click on the Offline Activation Button
Appears Generate License window

Download RUS tool (RUS_OWOZQ)
Some antivirus program can delete or quarantine this file. So, keep it when the antivirus asks for deleting or putting into quarantine.

- execute RUS tool
- select Collect Status Information and select C2V file type.
- select Installation of new protection key
- press Collect Information
- save the C2V file

C2V file can be used for license related operations.
At an online workstation login with Product key at the Sentinel EMS Customer portal
Upload the C2V file to Sentimel EMS.

Press Generate to generate V2C file.
Download V2C file to your PC.

- execute RUS Tool
- select tab Apply License File and select the V2C file
- press Apply Update to activate the license on the machine

Activation done!
You can start to work with ReqEdit.
Network license server ACC
A self-hosted licensing server is installed on the restricted network. The server holds all the license pools that can be used and has to contain a current snapshot of the license database from ReqEdit License Server.
Download haspdinst.exe for windows
Version | Downloads |
Sentinel ACC haspdinst.exe 8.53 | haspdinst.exe |
Download aksusbd.tar for linux
Version | Downloads |
Sentinel ACC aksusdb.tar 8.53 | aksusbd-8.53.1.tar |
Add note: please inform REQTEAM if you plan to use detaching, so the license can be generated for this purpose.

NOTE: The installation needs to me made on the “future” license server.
NOTE: Windows can detect the haspdinst.exe as untrusted, Run Anyway
- Port 1947 has to be opened
- Type haspdinst -i in the command line. The installation or upgrade process is performed automatically. A message is displayed informing you that the Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment was successfully installed.
On windows execute the following command to start the installation:
haspdinst -i
You can find an extended manual if you run the program in Windows File Explorer.
To check the status of the installation execute the command:
haspdinst -info
The version of the “Installed Package Drivers” needs to be 8.53
To check the status of the installation execute the command
haspdinst -info
In the ReqEdit application folder you need to start the executable “Start.exe” or “LicenseActivator.exe” depending on the version you have and insert the FQDN or IP of your license server.
Read more on the topic here Installation guide Thales/Sentinel LDK EMS
The update of the ACC needs to be done exactly like the install.
Fist stop the windows service (press windows START then type “Services”) with the name “Sentinel LDK License Manager” and then execute
haspdinst -i
To remove Sentinel license server on Windows execute
haspdinst.exe -r
if for some reason the uninstallation does not work, you can force remove with
haspdinst.exe -fr
NOTE: The operation MUST be done on the machine where ACC is running.
Login on the ACC license server from the same machine and select the menu “Configuration”
1. Go to the license server webpage http://localhost:1947
2. Allow Remote Access to ACC as HTTP or HTTPS
3. Set Password – to access the configuration pages, also it will be used for Detach Tool later on

4. Open [Access From Remote Client] tab and set FQDN of the server

Press Submit to apply
5. Network settings
Set EMS URL to

Online License Activation
NOTE: The operation MUST be done on the machine where ACC is running.
Access the ACC server from the same machine http://localhost:1947 – just to make sure the local ACC is running.
1. Go to the customer login page You need to insert the product key to login.

2. Press Online Activation

3. Check that the local ACC received the licenses

Update Licenses
NOTE: ACC network settings MUST be configured so that EMS URL is
(read previous chapter)
NOTE: The operation MUST be done on the machine where ACC is running.
Go to the customer login page Access License Update tab and press Update Licenses
The new licenses will be updated to the ACC server automatically.

Offline License Activation
C2V on Windows
Go to the license server webpage http://localhost:1947 and select the “Sentinel Key” item.

press the “Fingerprint” button and save the C2V file in the downloads folder.
Step 1: Got to the customer login page You need to insert the product key to login.

Step 2: Select “Offline Activation”.
Step 3: Upload the created .c2v file.
Step 4: Click the “Generate” button and save the .v2c file to a folder you like.

Update/Attach licenses
Step 5: Download the generated V2C file (or the V2C file received from us)

Step 6: Upload to your local license server http://localhost:1947 in the menu “Update/Attach”.

Step 7: Check in in the menu “Products”, if the license was correct inserted/updated.
C2V on Linux
If you are using Linux, the procedure is a little bit more complex. You need to log in to your license server (ACC) and click the tab “Diagnostics”. Here you find a button named “Generate ID File”. After clicking this button you got an ID file to save. Please save this file to a local drive and change the file extension to .c2v.
Now open this C2V file in a text editor and change the structure of the ID file, which should look like this (characters truncated with …):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<license_manager id="F07reQmW9igotxo.....1b4VD5kRUi4qsA" time="0">
<host_fingerprint type="SL-AdminMode" crc="123456789">
and change the file to this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<host_fingerprint type="SL-AdminMode" crc="123456789">
Terminal server network license URL
New terminal server users do not need to configure the ReqEdit server license URL each time. Instead, it’s possible to establish the ReqEdit license server URL permanently by setting it as an environment variable on the server.
Go to System properties/ Advanced / Environment variables…

Complete the variable name with REQEDIT_LICENSE_SERVER
Note: Variable name is key sensitive.
Variable value: FQDN of the ACC server

License detaching
Note: please inform REQTEAM if you plan to use detaching, so the license can be generated for this purpose.
When users want to have a working copy of ReqEdit outside the restricted environment. License detaching is possible by using the Detach Tool Add-on.
Detaching licenses will lock the license for a period of time for a specific machine. Locking a license has to be done inside the restricted environment, after which it can be disconnected from the network.

NOTE: : To be able to use ReqEdit on a workstation which leaves the company network, you need to detach a license for it. To achieve this goal ACC must be installed on the workstation!
Installing ACC on the workstation (jump to ACC install section)
Configuration of ACC is not needed. Detach tool will handle the license transfer automatically.
The ReqEdit Detach tool needs to run on a Windows operating system with .Net library (at least version 4.8 or higher) installed.
Additional the Sentinel Admin Control Center needs to be installed and configured locally. Please ensure that a valid VLIB DLL (i.e. haspvlib_113498.dll is corresponding for ReqEdit licenses) is installed. The file needs to be in the folder.
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP”.
About detailed requirements, read more here.
Enable Detaching on ACC server
3. Go to the Detachable Licensing Tab
Please activate the checkbox “Enable Detaching of Licenses”. You can determine the maximum detach duration in days.
Additional you can set the number of licenses you want to keep on the server (to be not detachable) in the field “Reserved Licenses”. Here you can enter either an absolute number or a percent value. .
If you want to do different settings for your different products, you can do this by click on the button “Per-Product Settings”.

Configure Detach tool
The tool has to be configured on the workstation
Open Reqedit\AddOn\Lm\ReqEditLm.exe.config

Set server address to the ACC server
serverAddress – or the FQDN like: server.localdomain.local
<setting name="LicenseServerAddress" serializeAs="String">
Generate config.dat
reqeditlm.exe -pass password -out config.dat
password – the access password for ACC server (that was set in the previous steps)
outfile – config.dat the file that will be used in the config xml
NOTE: If you want to use different out file please update the xml to use that
To use the Detach Tool please open Users Guide
License Updates
If your license is arriving the expire date or even some days before we will provide you an update key (file ending .V2C) and you request a new one.
A. You do not have a license manager installed (no ACC)
You need to activate this license with your “LicenseActivation” tool from ReqEdit client. Select offline activation and press the “Activate” button and select the V2C File to update your license.

At an online workstation login with Product key at the Sentinel EMS Customer portal

Choose Offline Activation tab. A new window appears.
In the Generate License window upload the saved C2V file.
Then click Generate.

The Key ID. appears
Download the V2C file

Go to the License Activator window and press Activate button

In the Browser window select V2C file
Press Open

Open ReqEdit and start working with it.
B. You have a license manager installed and you don’t have a V2C file
Alternatively you can update automatically if you have installed a license server (Admin Control Center in the minimum version 8.31) on the computer that holds the license. You need to open the url on this computer and click license update.

C. You have a license manager installed, but with no or restricted internet acces
Login to Sentinel EMS Customer Portal. Open the url and enter Product Key.

Upload the C2V file to Sentinel EMS. Press Generate for generating v2c file.

Download the generated V2C file.

Upload the generated .v2c file to your local server ACC in the menu “Update/Attach”.

Transfering License
To transfer an user license from an old PC to a new PC you need the RUS tool on both PCs.

Download RUS Tool
You can download it from our customer area:
For login you need to enter your product key, use the key you already used for activation.
After login you click on Offline Activation button and download the RUS tool.

Generate ID file
For transfering License from a Network license server to another , you need to have a Rehostable license.
Open ACC on the new server to generate the ID file
Go to Diagnostics of your license server and click on “Create ID file” button on the top right of the page

Save the file generated.
Execute the RUS tool on the new PC, where you want to have the license transferred. Select the Transfer License tab. Please press on the […] button to select the location and choose a name for the Recipient Information ID file (the name of the file is not important).
Press Collect and Save Information to generate the file. If the process was successful, you will get a confirmation window.

Copy the generated Recipient ID file to the old PC, where the active license is.
Please do not close the RUS tool on the new PC, we need it for later.
Generate license transfer file
Run the RUS tool on the OLD PC.
Select the Transfer License tab. Check if your license is transferable, it has to be listed in the license list.
Note: If the license is not transferable you need to contact the REQTEAM support team to initiate a manual transfer.
Note: if you use ACC you need to have Rehostable license.

Select the license you want to transfer from the list
Select the Recipient Information ID file copied from the NEW PC.
Select the destination of the Transfer License File, by selecting the […] button. Press Generate License Transfer File button.
The .h2h file needs to be copied to the NEW PC.

You can close the RUS tool on the OLD PC.
Activate license transfer file
Upload the generated H2H file in your new ACC in the menu “Update/Attach”.

On the NEW PC in the RUS tool select Apply License File.
Press the […] button to select the .h2h transfer license file and press Apply License.
The output should look similar to the screenshot.