Planned Maintenance

Saturday 14 May: possible downtime between 9AM - 10AM (CEST). RHEL OS instance will receive core updates.

Welcome to ReqEdit Online Documentation

Explore the features and learn how ReqEdit can help manage your
requirement documents, navigate through our documentation below.

ReqEdit - the requirement management and data-exchange tool

ReqEdit v2.23

Maximizing editing capability and stability improvements for power-users. Mainly focusing on fixes for crashes related copy-pasting, filtering with sorting and some GUI enhancements. Various improvements across file handling, attachment handling, unsupported characters in ZIP and windows in general. Minor GUI fixes for having a clearer usability flow.

Release Notes

ReqEdit v2.22

Seamlessly automate tasks with the simplicity of JavaScript userscripts. Easily import attributes from other ReqIF files. Export encrypted ReqIF files for added security, quick edit, automatic cleanup, exclusive feature to display a customized Info Panel for specific ReqIF files, and much more.

ReqEdit v2.21

Faster editing with shortcut keys, optimized font-sizes for easier reading. Do even more with mass cut-copy-paste, demote, promote of multiple rows at once. Includes INCOSE requirement patterns. Create backup snapshots for later reuse. Patch notes: Various fixes for printing and file handling and for search and replace

ReqEdit v2.20

Edit Resource URI schemas, protect ReqIF files, more compare options, more excel import features, delete multiple rows at once

ReqEdit v2.19

Enhanced copy-paste, improved MS Word import,
save document as ReqIF archive, advanced xhtml source code editor


Generated 6/25/2022

ReqEdit v2.18

Excel export for reporting, Update libraries and Bugfixes


Generated 6/24/2022

ReqEdit v2.14

Long-Term-Support until 31 December 2022
supporting Doors Next Generation data exchange


ReqEdit File crypt utility

Multiplatform Java utility for secure data-exchange between ReqEdit and external RM systems


ReqEdit Server v1.2.1

Collaborative versioning backend for files and ReqEdit clients.


ReqEdit Interop Server v1.0

Automatic ReqIF conversions from doc / reqxml to vendor ReqIF or reqxml


ReqEdit quick start guide

Installing ReqEdit, opening ReqIF coming from requirement management tools or create your own specification documents


Public knowledge base of the most common tasks, issues and solutions

Try out ReqEdit

You can try ReqEdit for free for 7 days.
Read the following guide to install, activate and use the tool.

Learn about ReqEdit and ReqIF

Quick overview of ReqIF requirement documents standardized format, the lossless data exchange format

(4 min read)

Learn how to use ReqEdit to open ReqIF files. This chapter will give you an overview of the user interface and main functionalities.

(4 min read)

Learn the basics of editing ReqIF requirement documents using ReqEdit Premium

(6 min read)

ReqEdit Ultimate Addons

ReqEdit comes with source code editor for ReqIF files. We call this add-on the XML Editor which is optimized specially for ReqIF files.

Supports XML validation as well as ReqIF schema validation.

Free Add-on

(1 min read)

Power addon to convert MS Word documents to ReqIF files. Supports table conversion to attributes.

Free Add-on

(3 min read)

ReqEdit can open tool vendor specific ReqIF files. Convert and edit IBM Rational DOORS ReqIF file, RIF 1.1a files

Free Add-on

(3 min read)

Power addon for comparing differences or merging changes between ReqIF files

Available for ReqEdit Ultimate

(6 min read)

Powerful addon to convert MS Excel spreadsheets into ReqIF files.

Available for ReqEdit Ultimate

Scan for words that are confusing and write clear requirements. This add-on can be customized for your needs.

Comes with 100+ word sample dictionary for English / Deutsch

Available for ReqEdit Ultimate

(3 min read)

Take out an active license and use it on the go, detached from the original enterprise environment.

Available only for Network Licenses

Available for ReqEdit Ultimate

(2 min read)

Ready to use industry standard ReqIF requirement templates developed professionally for ReqEdit.

Available for ReqEdit Ultimate

(2 min read)

ReqEdit Supply-Chain

ReqEdit Batch Mode

ReqEdit Licensing

ReqEdit is supply-chain ready.

Use ReqEdit Ultimate internally and externally the ReqEdit supplier edition.

Suppliers can only fill in specific attributes in the requirements.

Available for ReqEdit Supply-Chain

(1 min read)

Convert from multiple data sources to ReqIF including: RIF1.1a, MS Word, MS Excel

(5 min read)

We developed a custom XML format that offers an easier way to generate ReqIF files. Command line processing of XML to valid ReqIF.

(7 min read)

Learn about the different environments and licensing models available for ReqEdit

License activation guides, license server setup and much more.

(4 min read)