ReqEdit Server Quick Guide

ReqEdit Online Documentation

ReqEdit Server Quick Guide

4 min read
last updated: 11/14/2022

ReqEdit Server offers a centralized way of working with ReqIF files. Mutiple users can work on multiple projects where each file version is kept safe with professional Perforce versioning backend.

All ReqEdit Client versions are supported.

ReqEdit Server conceptual overview

The web user interface of the ReqEdit Server

ReqEdit Server web interface displaying contents of a project


ReqEdit Server is a ReqIF file storage backend for ReqEdit with versioning support. The requirement files can be organized into multiple projects with multiple user access types. 

Currently English and German translation is available. 

ReqEdit client access 

The easiest way to access ReqEdit Server is to configure user credentials in ReqEdit Client. Then to check-out files available to the user. After editing the files, the user can check-in the new version and upload it to the server, making it available for others. 

Web access

Logging in will give access to a project browser page where each user will see all the available files where access is granted. Users can view online ReqIf files. Manual download and upload is permitted as well as other file operations. 


ReqEdit Server can host multiple project areas for users. Each user can be configured to have access to one or more projects.

Project list
Project contents

Files can be downloaded but only validated ReqIF files can be previewed online.

Preview ReqIF files

Validated ReqIF files can be opened directly in the browser.

Commenting on ReqIF spec objects

Users can leave comments for each ReqIF spec object. These are stored and visible only on the server.

Uploading and Validating ReqIF files

Any type of file can be uploaded to the project. Maximum upload size depends on the server configuration.

When the validate file is checked, ReqIF schema validation will be performed, on failure the file will not be stored.

File versioning

ReqEdit Server optionally can use Perforce backend for versioning but its not required. Perforce server is not part of ReqEdit Server.

Check-in Check-out

In central file versioning each user can work only with checked out files, each checked out file is locked to the user, all other users cannot work with those files until the files are not checked in again.

If another user needs access to one locked file (checked out by others), the user can send a notification message to the other user to upload his work or release the file lock.

Change history

Clicking the history icon will displays all the revisions and actions performed on the file.


Project management

Project admin users can change access permissions, versioning, and other specific details.

Create new project

In the project administration page pressing the Create button will open the new project form.

Project Name


Local Path – path on the local server

External identifier – optional

External reference – optional

Use Versioning – to enable versioning and the versioning config panel

Configure versioning

On the project form page open the Repository tab and fill in the repository informations.

repository config page image

Repository Username: – user that will commit to the repository

Repository Password:

Repository Type – perforce

Repository host – hostname of the perforce server

Repository port – IP address:1666

Workspace – perforce workspace name

Stream – perforce stream address

Synchronize: if checked will copy all files from the repository to the local directory (specified in the project page)

NOTE: Synchronization has to be done before using the project. Synchronize will overwrite all local data

After synchronization a popup window will show the performed actions.

Disable projects

Admin users can make a project inactive by clicking on the Active/Inactive button in the project administration page. Inactive projects cannot be accessed.

Team management

All users assigned to a project will be displayed in the Team page of the project management.

Project admins can send new random user passwords by email automatically.

Add members page displays users list that can be added to the project with a specific role.

Roles are:

  • Project admin – can manage members and project details
  • User – can manage files
  • Contributor – can comment on files
  • Viewer
  • Guest

User management

Admin users can manage users and projects. Edit project memberships.

Roles are:

  • Admin – can manage projects
  • Project admin
  • User
  • Contributor
  • Viewer
  • Guest

Creating new users

Admins can create new users which then can be assigned to specific projects. 

To create a new user: first name, last name, e-mail and username is required. Optionally users can have a profile image

Disable users

Admins can disable users, disabled users cannot log in or access any projects where they are members.


Request a deployment package from REQTEAM and then follow the installation guide.