XHTML Validation Error

ReqEdit Online Documentation

XHTML Validation Error

1 min read
last updated: 02/22/2023

Opening a new file in ReqEdit sometimes will display an error message.

VALIDATION ERROR! The file is not valid!

ReqEdit file open XHTML validation error popup

This means that the source code of the ReqIF contains invalid XML elements.

The file is not corresponding the defined pattern/schema for a ReqIF file. There are two components which are checked:

  • the structure of the ReqIF, which is the XML part
  • content related to the formatting of the text in your document, which is the XHTML part

We do not recommend to work on invalid documents!

But if you want to open the file, it is possible to switch off the validation of the “text formatting” part, by switch off the XHTML Validation. The current state you can see at the left bottom of your ReqEdit window:

ReqEdit main window bottom bar, displaying the status of the HTML Validation option

Turn on/off XHTML validation

SAVE the settings, after the bottom bar will display HTML Validation: Off

Working with invalid ReqIF files

We DO NOT recommend to have the XHTML Validation OFF

Invalid files could lead to wrong display of your text content, missing attachments or images. Can also cause problems with your communication partner during the data exchange.