Validation error on min/max values
1 min read
last updated: 08/10/2022
In some cases, an error message is issued when validating ReqIF in this form:
Fatal (C31): DATATYPE-DEFINITION-INTEGER attribute MIN value is missing or empty in line 17.
Fatal (C32): DATATYPE-DEFINITION-INTEGER attribute MAX value is missing or empty in line 17.
This can be either because the necessary entries are actually missing. In this case the values described below must be entered into the ReqIF file. Or it may be that the following entry can be found in the ReqIF:
<DATATYPE-DEFINITION-INTEGER IDENTIFIER="_8142e7b-eb24-4da7-a235-96332004df3b" LAST-CHANGE="2018-09-01T11:03:24+02:00" LONG-NAME="Integer" MIN="-9223372036854775808" MAX="9223372036854775807">
This value is the Minimum and Maximum value of Long Integer (Int64), but ReqIF prescribes Integer (Int32) according to our interpretation. Therefore, the Maximum and Minimum value must be changed to the values below here:
<DATATYPE-DEFINITION-INTEGER IDENTIFIER="_8142e7b-eb24-4da7-a235-96332004df3b" LAST-CHANGE="2018-09-01T11:03:24+02:00" LONG-NAME="Integer" MIN="-2147483648" MAX="2147483647">
If there is a ReqIFz, the file must be decompressed with a ZIP decompressor and the contained ReqIF file must be edited with a text editor and then compressed again with ZIP.