Multi spec-object type support in ReqEdit
2 min read
last updated: 03/21/2024
ReqEdit supports the editing of ReqIF files containing multiple spec-object types, files exported from tools such as Doors Next Generation.
During the opening process, ReqEdit will have to convert this file into a specific data model suitable for editing. This process is called Importing into ReqEdit.
After editing the allowed attributes, the reverse process is called Exporting, that will produce the original data-model removing any residual ReqEdit attributes.
Under the hood
When importing, based on these multiple object types, ReqEdit will create a single master object type containing all the attributes from all object types.
The resulting attributes of this merged object type will be editable, depending on the original object types they are coming from – displayed as greyed out if user cannot edit the values.
The original object type name will be displayed in the ReqEdit.ObjectType attribute, which is immutable while editing the document. In order to display this you have to enable the column in the editor.
When exporting from ReqEdit, the original multi-object types will be restored to their original data model. Additionally, all residual attributes introduced by ReqEdit will be removed.
Depending on the target RM tool, you may choose to convert attachments to OLE format, specifically for use with DOORS Classic. However, for other tools, OLE conversion should be avoided.
It is not recommended to alter the structure, like attribute types or datatype definitions.
ReqEdit.ObjectType is read-only and cannot be changed.
Adding new lines will prevent the conversion back to the original object types.