
What are links? Relation between objects are called links. Each object can have incoming and outgoing links to / from […]

View Manager

What are views? Views are visible column sets with optional custom sorting and filtering saved as presets. The view manager […]

Filtering, Searching and Sorting

Filtering Filtering can be used to display only a subset of objects based on specific criteria. Filtering is temporary, rules […]

User Interface

Overview The look and feel of the application is similar to any classic Windows application. It has a main menu […]

Edit ReqIF requirement files

Why ReqIF files? Requirement Interchange Format is the de facto standard for lossless requirement data exchange for any industry. ReqIF […]

Open ReqIF requirement files

ReqEdit is used to display contents of ReqIF requirement exchange files including attachments and images in ReqIF Archive files. These […]

Install ReqEdit

System Requirements Microsoft Windows x64.Net 4.7.2 runtime packageMS EDGE browser or Chrome (for Compare Add-on HTML report) Operating systems OS […]

ReqIF requirements format

RIF/ReqIF (Requirements Interchange Format) is an XML file format suitable for lossless exchange of requirements in any industry. The old […]